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Join us online on 3 October 2023, from 13:30 to 17h30 CET Time for the Permeation Barriers Webinar.

Registrations for this event are closed. 



13:30 – 13:40

Opening and welcome word,
by Sabina Markelj (JSI) and Elodie Bernard (CEA)

13:40 – 14:25

Presentation title “Strategy for validation of tritium permeation through DEMO relevant materials”,
by Ion Cristescu (KIT)

14:25 – 15:10

Presentation title “Ceramic permeation barriers in contact with PbLi eutectic”,
by Fabio Di Fonzo (IIT)

15:10 – 15:25


15:25 – 16:10

Presentation title “Sputtering  fabrication of alternative coatings to act as corrosion and tritium permeation barriers”,
by Raquel Gonzalez Arrabal (UPM)

16:10 – 16:55

Presentation title “Facilities for the evaluation of permeation barriers under fusion-relevant conditions”,
by Marta Malo (CIEMAT)

16:55 – 17:30

Summary and Closing of webinar, by Sabina Markelj (JSI)


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