TITANS is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar on dust, scheduled for February 4th (full day or ending in the early afternoon).

The list of invited speakers is available below and the detailed agenda will be shared here soon. This public event will be held online, and everyone is welcome to attend.

To join us, please register using the link below before January 31st, 2025.

Invited speakers:

  • Michael Payet (CEA): Production / activation and tritiation of dust
  • Tom Stokes (UKAEA): The issue with dust in waste management and research into solutions
  • Christian Grisolia (CEA): Dust in fusion devices
  • Francois Gensdarmanes: Behaviour of dust particles (TBC)
  • Dr Corneliu Porosnicu (IAP), Tomy Acsente (IAP): Dust production
  • Elina Pajuste (LU): Analysis of dust microstructure
  • Svetlana Ratynskaia (KTH): Modelling of dust generation, transport and remobilization in full-metal fusion reactors